Friday, 30 September 2011

My Love - Sex and the City

'Sex and the City' is perhaps my favorite TV show! No, not perhaps, it is! How can you not love, adore, and relate to these four fabulous New York women? They are indeed iconic TV characters! 

'Sex and the City' was wrapped on February 4th, 2004, more that 7 years ago, but the buzz has never really faded! And how could it? These women are great examples of modern females, and they never get old. Carrie, the writer and everyone's best friend. Samantha, the always optimistic and incredibly attractive and lively woman. Charlotte, the 'rules' girl, who will do everything to chase her dreams. And Miranda, the extremely intelligent and sarcastic woman lawyer. All these women are incredibly, and most importantly, INDEPENDENT! They don't need men to feel satisfied. We all know that eventually they've found their true love, but starting from the very first episode of the show, we all realized that they are strong women.

This blog is a tribute to this wonderfully inspiring TV show! I guess we've all dreamed of having one their lives at some point. But all the SATC fans have to remember one thing - we are all fabulous women, and we can achieve anything by really working hard and believing in ourselves! And one last very important thing - girlfriends are our everything!!! Men may come and go, but friends are always there for us...

Sex and the City Reviews


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